Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)



Where are you located ?

We are located in Kisalosalo Village, Kyebando ward,
Kawempe Division Urban Council, Kampala -Uganda.

How can I get in touch with you ?

You can reach out to us through the phone numbers
provided on our contacts Page. Click Here

How can I become a volunteer at GWVC ?

You can become a volunteer at GWVC by filling in the
form provided on our Volunteer Page. Click Here.

What do I need to become a volunteer at GWVC ?

Please check the requirements provided on our
Become a Volunteer Page. Click Here.

How can I be part of GWVC Team ?

You can join our team by applying for the advertised
job under our Career with us Page. Click Here.

How can I make a donation to a Cause or Program ?

You can donate to a specific cause or Program by
clicking the donate button on top or here. Donate Now.

How do I keep track of the Program I Donated to?

After your donation to a cause or program we add to a
list of emails we give updates per the cause donated to.

Can I still be in the know about your programs
without donating first ?

Yes you can. Just simply subscribe to our monthly
newsletter and we shall keep you up-to-date
with GWVC programs.