Gods Will for Vulnerable Children (GWVC).
Improving the lives of children, families, and communities.
Give a helping hand in any way you can.

God's Will for Vulnerable Children (GWVC)
God's will for vulnerable children aim is to help marginalized children such as the orphans and other vulnerable children attain good health, improve on nutrition, prevent violence against children, provide access to both formal and informal education so that they can be productive in social economic environment and live normal lives just as any Ugandan.
Our end goal is to see every child reaches the potential that God has for them by empowering them to develop healthy minds, bodies and spirits so that they can achieve long-term successes for themselves and their communities.

Find Out Our Projects
Borehole Construction Project
Let's join efforts and improve the health of the vulnerable children by providing clean water to avoid diseases & infections.
Enhance children livelihood
Help families and young people secure sustainable livelihoods through Gods Will for Vulnerable Children.
Help The Needy Today
You can help by giving to the most urgent needs through Gods will for vulnerable children.

Volunteer with Us
Volunteer in transforming children’ lives at GWVC as we return lost hope to those children with a holistic family environment, orphanage and the disadvantaged communities across Uganda, Join Us and help to create lasting impact.
Become a Volunteer

Support Our Projects
Donate towards any of our projects and bring lasting impact to the vulnerable Ugandan children/community. Buy a book, clothes, mattress, or simply pay school fees for the vulnerable child.
Support Us Now

James 1:27 says,
“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”
Gods Will For Vulnerable Children